In the words of Queen Latifah…..U-N-I-T-Y. This village connects women together with intentions and a bond that is impenetrable. A braid of multiple cords becomes one. Your group and your intentions are sacred and are among the group.
Rather it be exercise, meditation or empowerment your purpose for gathering and tying together will be an experience you will not forget. ‘Ya Village (pronounced YAAA) is a group of 10 or more members that share the same intentions. This space is a respected space that women can come together and grow through, what they go through.
The initial intention setting will be held and after rather through a social media group, email or any communication community so that we are apart of holding the accountability for upholding the intention. Uyoyaa will provide discounts to every group participant and initial intention setting. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about ‘Ya Village.