What to do when you’re feeling disconnected from yourself.
Life throws us curveballs that we’re never prepared for. Our health wavers, our responsibilities pile on, and our self-care becomes less of a priority. As time goes on, we start to wander further away from the joyous person we once saw in the mirror.
So how can we get back to feeling like ourselves again?
1. Ground yourself in purpose.
a. We are the best versions of ourselves when we wake up each morning with somewhere to go and something to do. I’m not suggesting we fill our schedules with meaningless busywork, but I do believe we can regain our strength by doing things we enjoy. What ignites your passion and creativity? Think back to the activities you used to participate in as a child, how can you bring some of that child-like sense of curiosity and wonder into your life as an adult?
2. Ground yourself in community.
a. When you feel lost, your village will remind you to look beyond yourself. How you live and handle adversity serves as an example for the younger generations, and we want to be sure we’re teaching them emotional maturity and accountability. When you feel disconnected to yourself, it helps to reconnect to the ones who know you best. You cannot hide from a loving community.
3. Ground yourself in nature.
a. Technology has an adverse effect when you’re already feeling the burden of society’s pressure. We’re expected to process information at lightning speed, and we’re conditioned to fly through pain. But the only way to truly grow is to be deeply rooted. You get to decide how you spend your time. You get a say in where your energy goes. Choose peace. You deserve to put the screens down and take in the fresh air. You deserve to see the sunshine. Take full advantage of each day by connecting to the world’s natural beauties. The only kind that never fades.
The road to rediscovery is excruciating. It requires us to kill our desires for what was, in favor of creating something new; and change is scary. But remember that the core of who you are always remains the same. Your unique and individual spirit is a beacon of light on the days you can’t find joy. Listen to it. Nurture it. Plant yourself in it. When you do, you’ll come back stronger and more vibrant no matter what hard seasons come your way.