157 years away from slavery
58 years away from segregation
Even though we have come far, we still do not have the freedom that we deserve. The freedom that we have fought for and the freedom that we should have due to birthright is still an unkept promise. Open season on black people is at an all time high. To say that we are tiered is an understatement.
Black history did not begin with slavery. There was African History before Black History. Black history was based on our color, not our culture. Kings were stolen, warriors were taken and tortured and doctors were stripped and sold. Midwives, mothers and elders were spirit stricken and brutally murdered when they fought to keep their identity. So understand that we were not uneducated and we were not weak, we were taken from what we know. We were snatched out of comfort and forced to unlearn.
But the techniques, instruments and knowledge that were passed down were hidden not forgotten. We utilize a lot of those things today and don’t realize it.
- Foods
- Superstitions
- Songs
- Beats played in our music
- Clothing
- Braiding techniques
- Dances
- Steps (beat patterns and hand clapping)
- Tools
- Martial arts
- Weaponry/ blacksmithing
And so much more!
Remembering who you are and understanding your culture directly links you to the “how to” for many of these things.
Every other culture has a link back to who they are and where they come from. Asians are solidified in who they are, Mexicans and Samoans don’t hesitate to educate you on their culture and background. Caribbeans understand that they have a link to the continent. Folks, we are not lost, we just have to educate ourselves to understand. Education is the key to unlocking the door to so many amazing connections and ancestral links that will make things make sense.
‘Home’ means so much to so many. That is where many of us are at our most comfortable. Home is the place where we can be ourselves without the criticism and stressors of the world. Wouldn’t it be great if that place was not just confined to a structure?
I challenge you to start that journey. Do the research. Lean on the elders for knowledge. Learn to understand and apply. I can’t wait until we all plug in to our real selves. That will be amazing! Home is not a structure but where it all started and where we belong.