With education comes elevation. Elevation of the mind, body and spirit. Not one without the other and not one before one another. But a work of advancement among all three. Beauty is not a standard it is a spirit that lies within you and whenever you choose to unlock it is when you have discovered elevation.

Coming of age is a celebration that embodies your finding of elevation. Coming of age happens in different stages of your life and your evolution gets stronger with every connection, expansion of knowledge and growth. Uyoyaa is your assistant and navigator through your coming of age. We encourage and support your discovery and rediscovery of beauty.
The universe and our ancestors have shaped our culture into one that is forever evolving. A culture that is built on strength, courage and wisdom. A culture that is forgiving and solid. A culture that is passed down from generations but a culture that pays homage to the ones that paved a way for us to travel.
Uyoyaa was created as a space of intention that the ancestors have left for you to connect or reconnect with your culture. The space to feel free to embrace the stages of discovery and growth, to allow your mind, body and spirit to align and connect with who you were created to be.
What are Waistbeads:
Waistbeads are an African Rooted tool to create intention and mindfulness. They’re rooted in several African countries but have followed our culture throughout. Waistbeads have been used as rites of passage, body shaping, spirituality and femininity. They have evolved into the modern-day women’s armor against the unrealistic standards society sets for women’s beauty and aesthetics. Waistbeads symbolizes a rite of passage and intertwines the mind, body and spirit. There is so much history behind waistbeads than just color and style. Each strand holds tradition, value, and customs. It’s vibration and energy creates a center in which your internal and external elements revolve around to assist in your elevation.
Keep that same energy: What you put out into the atmosphere makes its way back to you. So intensify the good energy so that the negative energy has no room to fester.

About our Founder:
Owner and creation artist of Uyoyaa / African Educator / Author
Keira is a lightbearer of Sankofa. Rooted by her ancestors as a Congolese Dancer, she has understood her task and has been submerged in cultural education her whole life. She is mother of 7 and a cultural sister to many.
Learning the art of waistbeads as a young girl, Keira has taken up the mantle of creation. She created Uyoyaa as a space for cultural education, a holding space for intention setting and a self love safe haven. Between mothering her children and mothering her creations, Keira is a educator and cultural artist.